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by TLynnHughes
Mon Jan 11, 2010 4:41 pm
Forum: Holsters & Accessories
Topic: Holster Maker Among Us.
Replies: 48
Views: 13620

Re: Holster Maker Among Us.

CompVest wrote:I want to see it as soon as you get one!
Absolutely!!! And I'm thinking I might get this holster for the Spartan I'm going to get this year. Gives me an excuse (not that I need one) to get the gun... :lol:

I'm still just speechless that RiverRat was successful with the purple. He was explaining the issues to me and he worked really hard to get the purple and black! I can't wait to work out the details with him.

by TLynnHughes
Mon Jan 11, 2010 10:35 am
Forum: Holsters & Accessories
Topic: Holster Maker Among Us.
Replies: 48
Views: 13620

Re: Holster Maker Among Us.

CompVest wrote:Awesome! TLynn you need one in purple with black trim!

I know!!! Isn't it FABULOUS!?! RiverRat and I have been PMing for a bit now. When I brought up purple on here, he decided to take the challenge. I love the color, the design and everything! He does some good work!!!

by TLynnHughes
Mon Dec 14, 2009 12:25 pm
Forum: Holsters & Accessories
Topic: Holster Maker Among Us.
Replies: 48
Views: 13620

Re: Holster Maker Among Us.

Keith B wrote: I can see it now; RiverRat will be making BBQ rigs for women!! :lol:

(Or maybe they would be BAKING rigs for women?) :leaving
:waiting: :totap: :grumble

by TLynnHughes
Fri Dec 11, 2009 11:27 pm
Forum: Holsters & Accessories
Topic: Holster Maker Among Us.
Replies: 48
Views: 13620

Re: Holster Maker Among Us.

That's really beautiful. As I said, I'm not a pink person, but that color is really striking and if there are some ladies that like the pink guns, I think that would compliment them wonderfully!

by TLynnHughes
Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:40 pm
Forum: Holsters & Accessories
Topic: Holster Maker Among Us.
Replies: 48
Views: 13620

Re: Holster Maker Among Us.

CompVest wrote:When you are ready let me know and I will tell my students about your pink holsters.
I'm not a big pink fan, but if you decide to do black with purple trim, I'm your gal! Let me know...I just love customized gun accessories!


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