I have 2 comments on frangible ammo. First off is price. Some is very expensive. Expensive enough to not practice with it to make sure it's 100% reliable in the intended gun. Some brands aren't all that reliable in autoloaders and I'd sure want to shoot enough to know for a fact that it's 100%. Mostly I worry about lack of penetration.
It seems low penetration rounds are becoming popular lately, but even Magsafes and Glasers can penetrate walls and injure or kill those on the other side. If you will indulge me for a moment, next time you're dry firing, go aim at yourself in the mirror. Imagine that is the bad guy. What are the odds that your bullet will need to penetrate hands/arms before hitting the torso?
I followed an eye opening link(http://www.firearmstactical.com/tactica ... cle432.htm ) the other day and it really reinforced what I already strongly believed. A frangible or pre fragmented round that breaks up on the way to the torso is not going to have much effect when it gets there. If a bullet doesn't get into the boiler room, it isn't gonna stop the engine.
I don't always go for the heaviest bullet in a given caliber, but I certainly won't use the lightest. I won't use 185 grain in my .45s or 115 grain in my 9mms. I'm certainly no expert, and I'll never have a need to shoot through car doors or windshields like a LEO might, but I can see that there can still be other barriers to penetrate.
Expansion in clay and duct seal might look impressive, but it tends to exagerate bullet performance in tissue. Frangibles do a lot of tissue damage alright, but they do it rather shallowly. Not deep enough to reach the vitals needed to shut down an attack now. If they need to pass through an arm on the way, all that's left is fragments to penetrate the torso. Just the pictures in the link above is enough to answer a lot of questions.
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- by Plink
- Mon Mar 20, 2006 1:52 am
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: What is your opinion on RBCD ammo???
- Replies: 23
- Views: 4510
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