Thanks, Jeremae. I remember seeing the CZ @ Academy. Actually fondled on there as a matter of fact...quite a while back At any rate, I ended up gettin' the M&P 9mm. Added a sweet trigger job (3.5 lbs) and a fiber optic front sight and it's quite a shooter! That CZ, however, still 'feels' really nice!
Even checked into the trigger job for it. The waiting list is REALLY long (as in many, MANY months) so...For the time being, I think I'll call my thirst quenched? But one of these days...
Jeremae wrote:I had already talked to the four shops listed on CZ USA site, carter's, fountain and tripod feeders in spring would have to order and wanted around $500 to $520 for SA.
I'm thinkin' seriously of a CZ. Would LOVE a SA only one because of what I hear might be a little better trigger. The stainless one catches my eye but it's DA/SA.
Jeremae, you didn't say WHERE (are the best prices on CZ from there) in your initial post. So, color me frustrated! What have you found...and WHERE?