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by PPM
Tue Dec 05, 2006 10:45 pm
Forum: Ladies
Topic: DIVAS
Replies: 21
Views: 9410

maximus2161 wrote:Hey I think we should make that picture into a calendar!
WHICH picture? (I think I may have missed something along the way.) Perhaps it's been WAY too long.
by PPM
Wed May 17, 2006 8:13 pm
Forum: Ladies
Topic: DIVAS
Replies: 21
Views: 9410

Well then! Maybe it's time to move BACK to the Houston area! ;-)

As to pistols, a Ruger SP101, my XD9 service, the S&W 1911Sc, and my new Kimber Ultra CDP. I'm sort of staffing gettin' a CZ 75B in a 9mm to play with when I'm not shootin' the XD. Hmmmm..... Sure do enjoy shootin'! :grin:
by PPM
Wed May 10, 2006 8:27 pm
Forum: Ladies
Topic: DIVAS
Replies: 21
Views: 9410

I, too, have turned my best friend into a shooter! (Hubby mostly TALKS abt shootin'.) As a matter of fact, she has one more pistol that I right now. I'm staffing gettin' another 9mm (as a substitute 'play' gun...when my XD is gone or out of commission). ;-)

As it happens, though, our XD group now has 3 women shooters. Perhaps more on the way. Get you some kind of Springfield XD and join us one of these days! We have a TOTAL blast! The fact that most of the members are sweat! We do timed practical and defensive shootin'. If you haven't tried it, it's MUCH more fun than just "goin' to the range!!"

Oops! Off topic! I think we're the minority and, for the most part, will have to make our own groups (like you and I have done). We use an indoor range here, sometimes, and I've seen a couple of other women (new shooters that I've helped).

It's good to hear both of you agreeing with my "square peg in a round hole" thing. Makes me feel better about myself! :lol:
by PPM
Mon Mar 20, 2006 7:39 am
Forum: Ladies
Topic: DIVAS
Replies: 21
Views: 9410

by PPM
Sun Mar 19, 2006 11:42 pm
Forum: Ladies
Topic: DIVAS
Replies: 21
Views: 9410

Oh, yeah? So, are ya' sayin that I'm not "FLOOFY?" :lol: I was like the square peg tryin' to fit into a round hole! That's really the reason I dropped out. It's a great group of very helpful ladies — but they focus WAY too much on shoppin' for MY taste. ;)
by PPM
Sat Mar 18, 2006 7:46 pm
Forum: Ladies
Topic: DIVAS
Replies: 21
Views: 9410

TraCoun, thanx for the welcome! AND, for that matter, for the invitation to attend the ladies shootin' @ PSC. I actually DID show up for the first, official, meeting of the group and was pleased with the number of ladies who showed up.

There were, however, two reasons why I didn't return. First, Pearland is way across the universe from Sping-Cypress and 249. It took my buddy and me forEVER to drive over there! Second, skill set-wise, I was WAY beyond where the majority of those ladies were. So, with the two combined, I decided that it was simply too far to travel.

The organizers had done a GREAT job and I certainly commend 'em for getting more women into the sport! We are way too scarce on the ranges!
by PPM
Fri Mar 17, 2006 9:11 pm
Forum: Ladies
Topic: DIVAS
Replies: 21
Views: 9410

The DIVAs are a nice group of ladies with, more hunting and clay shootin' as their focus (I believe). I was a member for a year. However, I'm a 59 year old "tomboy" and, as such, didn't FEEL like I fit the rather "floofy" image they choose to project. (Certainly MY problem and not theirs!) Quite simply I didn't feel comfortable getting e-mail invitations to buy furs or jewelry, etc. Shopping is NOT my "thing" (Well, unless we're talkin' GUNS, that is!). :lol:

They are, for the most part, a Dallas-based organization so that's where the majority of their activities took place.

By the way, I'm a newbie on this forum. Hi, folks! :grin:

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