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by myron243
Tue Sep 08, 2009 2:38 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: June 2009 Applications
Replies: 575
Views: 76053

Re: June 2009 Applications

timdsmith72 wrote:
USA1 wrote:
timdsmith72 wrote:
USA1 wrote:you can still check it , we won't tell ;-)
I did. Just to be sure.... :mrgreen:
And it still says completed!!
what if it said .."Application Back To Processing" :shock: "rlol"
Don't say stuff like that!! Now you're gonna make me paranoid and I'll still check it every day until it gets here! :razz: :lol: :lol:: "rlol"
What if it said License returned to DPS marked "Return to sender, address unknown. No such number, no such zone." :reddevil :lol:: :evil2:

Fer the young 'uns, Elvis sang that one.

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