Karder, I hope the person at MIL's house is ok. Sorry to hear that. Please keep us posted.
And relieved that your foo pa pa (yeah I know, I don't know how to spell it. whatever. you all know what I'm talking about), was overlooked/ignored/noticed but 'who cares' & 'so what' by the LEO's.
I sometimes wonder that due to our hypersensitivity of carrying, that we practice 'overkill' with regards to concealing. I mean I'm certainly aware of the need to conceal, and make a concerted and good faith effort to do so. But I don't freak out if I accidentally 'exposed' my gun.
I do wish I could find a group or 4 or 5 off duty LEO's to talk to in an informal atmosphere, who'd be willing to talk frankly(and not Shirley) and get their ideas about a myriad of issues that concern us as CHL holders, in general. DPS troopers would be neat to talk to but I think I know what they'd say.