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by joe817
Fri Feb 05, 2010 6:37 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Weekend almost incident
Replies: 47
Views: 4748

Re: Weekend almost incident

Fantastic! brewdog, Dragonfighter, myself and mikeintexas(who pm'd me overnight wants to meet as well).

Anybody else up for a gathering at Winchester Gallery for fellowship and punching some holes in paper?

Whoops! Sorry for hijacking the thread! :shock:
by joe817
Thu Feb 04, 2010 12:13 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Weekend almost incident
Replies: 47
Views: 4748

Re: Weekend almost incident

brewdawg wrote:Joe, I agree totally. Maybe we need to organize an Arlington TexasCHLForum range outing. At least some of us could get to know one another.
That would be fantastic! I'd love to. And invite anyone else who'd like to show up. Why, maybe even start up a North Texas Chapter of the! :lol:

Seriously, that sounds like a great idea. :cheers2:
by joe817
Thu Feb 04, 2010 12:05 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Weekend almost incident
Replies: 47
Views: 4748

Re: Weekend almost incident

brewdawg, you perfectly described the neighborhood where I grew up. BB gun fights, block party BBQ's and all. Not only were our neighbors our neighbors, but also personal friends. :cheers2:

*sigh* 'tis a different world we live in now.
by joe817
Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:00 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Weekend almost incident
Replies: 47
Views: 4748

Re: Weekend almost incident

92f-fan wrote: I was in my parents back yard which led to 1000 acres of woods. My buddies and I were playing war as we called it. We were about 10 years old. The guns we were using were sticks we picked up off the ground. A neighbor called the police to report kids running around with guns.

The point of the story is that these kinds of issues have been going on for years ...Thankfully everyone then and now had the required restraint to avoid a bad result
I had similar experiences growing up. In my growing up days, we had the neighborhood gang(as in Spanky & our gang...NOT the gang we associate with the term today): big Ricky,little Ricky,Jerry,Ed,Ted,Bill,Mike,Bill, and myself.

We alternated between playing army guys, cops & robbers, and cowboys. Naturally all 3 games involved guns. But we used real guns. All of the other guys used their dads WWII & Korean War bring back guns.

I had a puny little Belgium Bulldog.
Big Rickey used his dad's Luger
Jerry used his dad's type 14 Nambu
Little Rickey used his dad's type 38 Arisaka
Bill was the envy of the group as he used his dad's 1911A1 :lol:
Mike used his dad's Mauser rifle.
I forget what the other guys had. So long ago.

Back then was a totally different time. No drugs, street gangs, common violence we see today, etc, etc,etc.

There was never any worry about shooting the guns because no dad had ammo for the bring backs. And we weren't foolish enough to try to find ammo for them. We knew we had a good thing going, & didn't want to spoil it.

My little puny gun? They hadn't made ammo for it in 50 years. :lol: It's caliber was .320 CF. Here's a pic:" onclick=";return false;

Like I say, a different time...a different world. Thanks for the memories 92f-fan ! :tiphat:
P.S. the time frame was 1953-1958.

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