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by PX
Sun Jun 25, 2006 5:18 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Man posing as utility worker fatally shot in county
Replies: 9
Views: 1281

My wife and I are senior citizens. We live in a rural community in SE Ga. I do not carry in the home, but my bride and I do NOT answer the door to anyone we don't immediately recognize.

We do have firearms scattered at each end of the home, plus one in the kitchen area. All nicely concealed, but imminently accessable.

In this part of the country NO ONE with any brains comes to a strangers door unless he/she/they are extremely careful, and make it abundently clear of their intentions.

We have a very good lockable glass door on the exterior, and a very good lockable wooden door behind it. Both stay locked at night. If the doorbell rings, or I hear anything suspicious I immediately arm myself, and very carefully check out the bell/noise. My wife stays IN the bedroom, armed (Security Six-357mag), with cell phone in hand. She knows that unless she is convinced that all is ok she is to lock the bedroom door, retreat to the bathroom, call 911 on the cell, and shoot anyone who tries to get in to her. (Obviously I'm VERY careful when I let her know "all is well".).

We don't let anyone in to "make a phone call", take a leak, sell us anything, or for any reason unless we know them.... NOBODY.

I think most of "us country rednecks" are also paranoid to some degree, and while that's probably bad news, the good news part of that "bad news" is that bg's also are aware of that fact. Also common knowledge is that the great majority of us are armed, and they are just as likely to become the "victim" as they are to make us the "victim's"....

So, home invasions "so far" are few and far between around here. Additonally (thankfully) the State of Ga. has passed the "no duty to retreat" law and it goes into effect July 1st..

My wife and I plan to "retreat" anyway, if we are so allowed. No personal possessions we own are worth killing or being killed for. But if someone doesn't give us that option, then we will have a 12ga pump riot shotgun loaded with #4 buckshot in the bathroom with us. (Plus my wife's Security Six).

Then all bets are off.

This seems a reasonable plan to us.

Best Wishes,

J. P.

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