Not really. It is usually something that gets added on to pile on the charges after you're already in trouble for something else. IIRC, there was a case a while back, possibly not even in Texas, where it ended up being declared unconstitutional and mostly thrown out. However, there may have been some tweeks to that federal law when they included the language that now says if you're licensed in the state you're carrying, not using an out of state non-resident license or one that is recognized by another state, so that it is no longer unconstitutional. I don't remember.flipman416 wrote: ↑Thu Sep 27, 2018 9:22 amrotor wrote: ↑Wed Sep 26, 2018 10:43 pmI believe you are wrong. Exceptions below. Unloaded and locked up. I doubt if most are.flipman416 wrote: ↑Wed Sep 26, 2018 10:06 pmrotor wrote: ↑Wed Sep 26, 2018 3:51 pm The only thing that I may add is that a Utah CHL does not protect you from the Federal Gun Free Zone act (firearms within 1000 feet of a school) in Texas. For that you need a Texas LTC. Does anyone ever get caught in that trap, I don't know? I am sure that most people with a gun in the glove box drive by a school every day and nobody cares. As a technicality though only the Texas LTC covers Texas schools. Welcome to Texas. I spent many years in Commiefornia too. I can't believe it has turned into such a cesspool. I remember when I could open carry in California.
I was told that only matters when you're on foot. As if it's inside you're vehicle you're one doesn't need a permit to.carry a loaded firearm in your vehicle in Texas. Am I wrong to think this?
[18 U.S.C. § 922(q)(2)(A)] does not apply to the possession of a firearm—
(i) on private property not part of school grounds;
(ii) if the individual possessing the firearm is licensed to do so by the State in which the school zone is located or a political subdivision of the State, and the law of the State or political subdivision requires that, before an individual obtains such a license, the law enforcement authorities of the State or political subdivision verify that the individual is qualified under law to receive the license;
(iii) that is—
(I) not loaded; and
(II) in a locked container, or a locked firearms rack that is on a motor vehicle;
(iv) by an individual for use in a program approved by a school in the school zone;
(v) by an individual in accordance with a contract entered into between a school in the school zone and the individual or an employer of the individual;
(vi) by a law enforcement officer acting in his or her official capacity; or
(vii) that is unloaded and is possessed by an individual while traversing school premises for the purpose of gaining access to public or private lands open to hunting, if the entry on school premises is authorized by school authorities.
Hmmmmm. Good to know...I have driven by some schools, but it was definitely well further than 1000 FT. I wonder if anyone has actually ever been in trouble due to this law?
My gun law brain is having issues this morning. I also seem to recall a case in the news that is currently on going where the feds are trying to get some guys LTC here in Texas voided so they can pile on some violations and one of them is the GFZA thing.