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CZp10 wrote:Personally (and this is just my own opinion) I don’t have a problem with the requirements for a concealed carry permit, nor do I have a problem with people or businesses who do not want firearms on their private property.
30.06 seems unconstitutional, and I would very much like it challenged and taken as high in the court system as necessary.
Is it just me or do these two sentences seem contradictory?
There is a decent sized list of places that have placed 30.06 and or 30.07 signs, but those numbers pale when compared to the whole number of businesses out there to choose from. There might be one or two of our favorite places that have posted one or both signs, but that's really about it. Over the years I'm sure I've adjusted my shopping or dining habits for this reason just like my wardrobe went through some adjustment when I first got my CHL 15-16 years ago. Now, I don't even think about it and can't even recall any of the restaurants that we don't go to that we used to frequent.
There was a period where we didn't go to Taco Cabana because they had 30.06 signs posted and my daughter was very happy when those signs came down. That's the only place I can think of like this that affected us at this time.
I didn't count exactly, but a search of just one largish city near me shows that there are about 60-70 signs up in Carrollton. This includes 30.06, 30.07, and 51%. Some of them are valid notices and some are not. There are probably several hundred or maybe even a thousand plus businesses in this city. I didn't look in Dallas because I don't go there very much, but I'm sure there might be similar results as far as the percentage of businesses that post these signs there.