The trouble with many of those liberal anti-gun folks is that they secretly have guns. They just don't want others to have them. I even found myself in a discussion with a lawyer, former prosecutor, up in New Hampshire on a friends FB page. She claimed she has a carry permit, but wants to make it more difficult for others to obtain a firearm. She argued that she is okay because two other people had to submit affidavits saying so before she could get her permit. I pointed out her elitist attitude that since she has hers she's okay with making it more difficult for others not so lucky and the obvious flaw in the ease of getting two people to say anyone was okay by pointing to all the news coverage after someone has committed some heinous crime saying how shocked they were and that they seemed so normal and never would have suspected anything like that from them.
I would really like to give folks like this the white feather, but do you all think it applies? They probably aren't cowards, just "wacko birds" to borrow a phrase from some Arizona Senator.