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by C-dub
Sun Nov 02, 2014 9:50 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: MSNBC Pushes Gun Control Half An Hour Into Shooting Coverage
Replies: 8
Views: 1531

Re: MSNBC Pushes Gun Control Half An Hour Into Shooting Cove

rotor wrote:
BigGuy wrote:Just a couple of short years ago, on any given afternoon you could have found me sitting in a hypnotic haze, eyes glued to the tube as Chris Matthews explained the world to me. Carefully selected clips form the O'Riley factor would show a fascist propagandist extorting the supposed virtues of capitalism and energy independence. Mr Matthews would then knock down this straw man with Democratic demagoguery.
The double shock of cold water and a slap in the face came in the form of the incessant 2A attacks following the Newtown school shooting. Even in my brainwashed state, something of my raising in southeast Arkansas rebelled. I knew guns to be useful tools that had supplied our family table with food most of my life. And on those few nights when the town was on alert because of an escape inmate at Tucker Prison just a few miles north of the Arkansas River, I took comfort in the though of those guns in hands of my Green Beret father.
It's as though I was suddenly awakened from sleep, a nightmare. Metaphorically I suddenly looked at the television shook my head, and said, "WHAT?" What the (heck) is he saying?
I rarely watch MSNBC any more. I intended to keep an eye on them just stay aware of the garbage they were preaching. But I usually wind up screaming at the TV whenever I try that. Trying to listen to them is just too hard on the system.
As difficult as it may be for clear thinking people to understand, if you listen to that stuff long enough, a certain amount of indoctrination will take place.
I'm not sure what the answer is. Attacks and insults from the right only served to strengthen my ties (one might say dependence) on the indoctrination. The thing that finally awakened me from my stupor was their (the left's) attack on a principal so foundational to my psyche that it had remained buried under the socialist crap I had allowed to be heaped in great stinking piles on my thinking.
I'll end this by saying that we are in a battle for the heart and mind of America. We need some of those folks who, like me, helped put this abomination in power to wake up. Some of them can be saved and welcomed back into the America our founding fathers intended for us to live in. But we won't accomplish this with insults and name calling. That sound too much like impotent frustration on our part.
I will assume you were very young at this point and have grown out of this stage. Most youth tent to be liberal and with age become smarter.
I think the BigGuy is still pretty close to whatever age he was because he said it was only a couple short years ago that he was watching Matthews. What awakened him was the stepped up attacks on the 2A after Newtown by the left. So, I don't think he "outgrew" it as many young liberals do.

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