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by C-dub
Fri Sep 30, 2011 8:13 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: happens so fast, would you have been able to draw?
Replies: 10
Views: 2489

Re: happens so fast, would you have been able to draw?

suthdj wrote:I will have to say police appeared in 30 seconds according to video time unless it was sliced to keep it short. It also looks like the "victim" was reaching for his own weapon after the first shot or 2, I guess it could also be from a bullet stike hard to determine.

It's also interesting to note what the ambushee did once he couldn't get his gun out. He dropped, possibly from taking a round, and then started rolling, like he was on fire. Could this be a thought out action to keep moving and make himself a more difficult target?

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