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by C-dub
Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:02 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry
Replies: 155
Views: 23250

Re: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry

I would vote for Perry, but I do have my reservations. This is part of an e-mail from a dog group that I'm a member of, so for all you pet owners.
Gov.Perry used to be 'dog friendly', then we found out his wife became a HSUS supporter and so we all suspect he was promised or did get big donations from HSUS if he would sign this bill. Soon after he must have gotten more support from HSUS because he decided to run for President. I/we just wonder how much/big the HSUS contribution was/is? Don't us citizens have a right to know who all the people are and how much they contribute to his campaign to run for office? It would be interesting to know were all these donations to HSUS of unsuspecting log lovers that give 19.95 or more to help these 'poor,neglected animals' go. We know that not even 1% goes to help a needy animal and the rest goes to pay their members big salaries and to pay off Senators, congressman and people like Sefronia Thompson, John Whitmire, and others in Texas and other states to pass these horrible bills to eventually end all pet ownership by spaying and neutering everything and making it so costly to own a pet until there are none left. Most pet owners/breeders don't even have a clue about all these new laws coming up. Responsible show breeders/trainers/clubs I talked to won't vote for Gov.Perry and who knows if the other candidates were not all paid off by HSUS also.
And this from another e-mail.
Amid vocal opposition from responsible animal owners and conservatives, on
June 17, 2011, Governor Rick Perry signed HB 1451 into law. HB 1451, introduced and championed by Rep. Senfronia Thompson, D-Houston, and Sen. John Whitmire, D-Houston, establishes a new state bureaucracy to regulate home dog and cat breeders mandating inspections of private property, large fees and enormous fines. The new law allows the right of entry into citizens' homes without warrant and without the owners' presence and establishes a "bounty fund" to pay activists for reporting dog and cat breeders to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR.) The bill regulates law abiding Texas citizens and hampers economic and business growth in order to promote the private agenda of heavily financed special interest groups. The HSUS/ASPCA/PETA backed bill violates personal property rights, contradicting key values that Governor Perry professes to uphold and important principles of his campaign.

A huge red flag to all conservatives and animal owners should be the recent animal activist HSUS trumpeted accolade of Governor Perry for signing this remarkably ill-founded and costly legislation.
Now, I'm not a "breeder", but some of my dogs are intact and if I train them well and they earn their titles and someone wants to breed to them then that should be my right without having to get permission from the government.

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