austinrealtor wrote: - Most of the good people on this forum truly are trying to help you. And remember, we're all "on your side". We're like-minded people who believe in RKBA and self-defense. If WE (collectively speaking for the majority of the forum who've replied to this thread) have concerns about how you're responding to these hypothetical situations, how do you think a JURY will react if you actually pull a gun or God-forbid shoot it while driving a car on a crowded freeway? You're not going to have all of us sitting in judgment on you. If you're lucky, at best, your jury will be made of people who are on the fence or indifferent to RKBA/self-defense issues - worst case, you get a bunch of gun-hating nanny-staters who think anyone who would use a gun for any reason oughta be locked up.
And This, right here, is reason enough.
If WE don't back your decision, there is no way in Hades that a random selection of 12 people, who aren't all pro-RKBA and pro- Self Defense will.
Remember, as I said before, Self defense is a Defense to prosecution. You Start Off Guilty of Murder/Manslaughter/Aggravated Assault (since you've already confessed to shooting them), and you must prove it was immediately necessary to prevent imminent harm to be let off. If that reasoning was cut and dry obvious, you might not even be charged or tried, but that doesn't change the facts.