Yea, as I said, it's overall a bad situation, so many variables that can/will be different. I guess you've just got to weigh the scenario, and make the best decision you can.
Oh, yea, and by the way, you've got .10 seconds to do that, with no advance warning.
It's reasons like this (and because there's so many non-drivers here in Houston) That I frequently feel like installing a Dash Cam and Rear bumper cam on my car, with a SSD DVR In the trunk that only I Have access to.
They way, for accidents (even ones I'm not involved in, I've witnessed 3 or 4 already that would have been caught on a dash-cam if I had one), road rage, etc, there's video backing it up.
I would have already pulled the tape for about a dozen different things by now...
I wonder if there's a reasonably priced kit out there, and If not, maybe I could design and market such a device.
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- Wed Oct 21, 2009 7:18 am
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Friend got gun pulled on Her Today - NW Houston
- Replies: 17
- Views: 3253
- Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:42 pm
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Friend got gun pulled on Her Today - NW Houston
- Replies: 17
- Views: 3253
Re: Friend got gun pulled on Her Today - NW Houston
Because there's no duty to retreat in The Great State of Texas!XtremeDuty.45 wrote: Prosec: You were in a vehicle, correct?
You: Yes sir/ma'am
Prosec: So, why did you not just drive away?

Seriously though, depends.. if you're blocked in because of traffic, or if you're pretty sure the dude's just going to follow you (after all, he's in a car too)... It could go so many ways.... It's just overall a bad scenario.
- Mon Oct 19, 2009 7:23 pm
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Friend got gun pulled on Her Today - NW Houston
- Replies: 17
- Views: 3253
Re: Friend got gun pulled on Her Today - NW Houston
Once again Excal, your wisdom is great.Excaliber wrote:
I'd skip the "shoot through my door" part. Doors are full of all kinds of things that will stop a bullet - window cranks or motors, lock mechanisms, and side impact reinforcing panels. Even if a round made it through your door, it almost certainly wouldn't make it through his. None of my .45 rounds ever made it through 2 car doors when I was doing testing.
Shooting through the glass is even less productive - it will fill the air with tiny, very sharp and very painful glass fragments that will get in your eyes and create lots of extra excitement.
Did I mention the stunning effect and probable permanent hearing damage you'll get from discharging a large caliber handgun inside a car?
Your best, fastest, and most survivable strategy in that situation is to use the car itself to escape the kill zone.
I was pretty irritated earlier when I wrote that, as I had just been told that it happened... Of course I wanted to go shoot the guy

Since then I've cooled off a bit... and I agree. Getting out of there (run the light if "safe" to do so, put it in reverse and back away, bust a u-turn, just get away) is #1
If you can get the LP# number, great, thats a good #2.
It just makes me angry that theres trash like this out there....
- Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:05 pm
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Friend got gun pulled on Her Today - NW Houston
- Replies: 17
- Views: 3253
Friend got gun pulled on Her Today - NW Houston
FYI for those in the area, keep your eyes out for a Black Male Driving a brand new Red Charger in the Copperfield Area who likes to point guns at female drivers.
A Friend of mine was driving her jeep and may have accidentally cut this guy off due to car engine issues (for which she was driving it to the shop), when he pulled up beside her and produced a weapon. He then sped off, and turned down a side road. After she got to the Mechanics shop, the guy pulled in the parking lot behind her, turned around, and sped off. She was unable to get his license plate.
She called the police, and obviously there wasn't much they could do but take down the description.
She's currently staying at my place in my guest bedroom, so in case he followed her or anything afterwards (as he obviously followed her to the mechanic's), It's condition orange for the next week or so.
Begin discussion of what YOU would do if someone pulled a gun on you while stopped at a red light.
Personally, I'm fairly confident in my 1911's ability to shoot through my door, at the guy.
Provided it's not heavy traffic, and there's no vehicles on the other side of him, I'm pretty certain I would not hesitate to shoot, and he wouldn't even need to see the weapon.
If someone points a weapon at me from their car, I have to assume the worst, that they are a gangbanger and this is an initiation where they are to kill random civilians.
A Friend of mine was driving her jeep and may have accidentally cut this guy off due to car engine issues (for which she was driving it to the shop), when he pulled up beside her and produced a weapon. He then sped off, and turned down a side road. After she got to the Mechanics shop, the guy pulled in the parking lot behind her, turned around, and sped off. She was unable to get his license plate.
She called the police, and obviously there wasn't much they could do but take down the description.
She's currently staying at my place in my guest bedroom, so in case he followed her or anything afterwards (as he obviously followed her to the mechanic's), It's condition orange for the next week or so.
Begin discussion of what YOU would do if someone pulled a gun on you while stopped at a red light.
Personally, I'm fairly confident in my 1911's ability to shoot through my door, at the guy.
Provided it's not heavy traffic, and there's no vehicles on the other side of him, I'm pretty certain I would not hesitate to shoot, and he wouldn't even need to see the weapon.
If someone points a weapon at me from their car, I have to assume the worst, that they are a gangbanger and this is an initiation where they are to kill random civilians.