Oh, I agree there's no way to enforce it, or even if there was, no way to set a 'line' to decide by. I was being purely academic.seamusTX wrote:How do you enforce that?
It never has been done in a just or humane manner. Ancient societies had castration, human sacrifice, and infanticide (often called by the euphemism of exposure). More recently it was forced sterilization and abortion.
- Jim
I was speaking more that people unfit to raise children should decide themselves not to do so. Then again, their lack of ability to make smart decisions is usually what makes them unfit as such. So It's an unsolvable problem.
Generally, if a couple is intelligent enough to determine that children are not the best plan for them at their current point in their lives, and decide to hold off on having them for a while, or at all, they're already probably responsible adults (as evidenced by the discussion and weighed decision they have made), and as such, would be just as responsible parents, and not the ones we read about in the news