Alot of good ideas have been given and I also agree.
I was in more or less the same situation but with my wife. It's not that she was anti-gun, but she was indifferent. She didn't care if I had a weapon or was armed but she felt no need for her to have one because, as with most people, she felt it could/would never happen to her (and thank God it hasn't/won't).
Then she started paying better attention to the news and saw the things going on around us. The Virginia Tech incident, carjackings, home invasions, etc. It's amazing what can happen when the blinders come off and people realize that it can happen to them and our LEO's can't be there every second to protect them.
My wife now has her CHL, has 4 (so far) handguns of her own, and goes to the range with me to practice almost every time I go. She actually shoots more than I do (anywhere from 100-150 rnds a trip) and I spend alot of time reloading her mags and setting targets but that's okay! I'm just glad that she is taking responsibility for her own defense for the times that I can't be there.
As far as my In-Laws go, I know they know I carry but they have never stated an opinion one way or the other. My Sister asked me once why I carry around the house and yard. I told her that there are alot of bad people out there and most would have no problem with coming in to take whatever they wanted.
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- by rodnocker1
- Wed Sep 12, 2007 8:04 am
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Help Addressing In-Law Concerns
- Replies: 28
- Views: 4984
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