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by howdy
Sat Dec 05, 2009 2:27 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Range Safety Violations
Replies: 34
Views: 6115

Re: Range Safety Violations

I know that CHL Instructors have seen some "amazing" stuff. I explain to my students that the CHL class is NOT a shooting class. I expain to them that they need to have the shooting skills BEFORE they take the class........but every now and then, you get one!!!!!! I had a student that loaded the bullets in the magazine backwards. They somehow succeeded in getting the magazine in and letting the slide go forward. They tried to turn around to show me that their gun was jammed, but I stopped them. I saw the problem and told them to fix it. They did not know how to release the magazine. I then questioned them again on their shooting experience and she fessed up that it was her first time to shoot. I unloaded her handgun, placed the bullets back in the box, and had her go out and talk to the nice shooting instructors at Memorial Shooting Center in Houston. She came to the range on my next class and did a great job.

Have you been at Academy/Outdoor World (any gun store) and watched people handle the new handguns. (including some salesman) You can tell who the shooters are. They are the ones that clear the handgun when it is handed to them. They keep their finger off the trigger and they DO NOT point it at everyone in the store. I actually had a salesman get insulted that I cleared a new handgun right out of the sales case. He said "you don't think I would give you a loaded gun do you". I was nice to him......I really was.

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