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- Tue Nov 02, 2021 8:48 am
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: Seeking Electricians Advice for generator
- Replies: 7
- Views: 3229
Re: Seeking Electricians Advice for generator
Does your home have natural gas? Costco sells a tri-fuel Firman generator that runs off gas, propane AND natural gas. ... +generator. I have this one and had an electrician wire my breaker box. I had a plumber hook up the natural gas connection. There are also kits that you can install that will convert your generator to natural gas. Also replace ALL your light bulbs to LED's. Amazon has 24 LED bulbs for $20 that burn only 7 watts vs 75 watts. Those bulbs add up when you are using a portable generator. Read some articles on how this emergency hook up works. Example. If you run a home central air conditioning unit, turn the thermostat all the way down. That way the system is not cycling on and off. It draws the most amperage when it first kicks on.