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by Kevinf2349
Wed Jun 09, 2010 3:52 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Time to Fess Up
Replies: 30
Views: 4401

Re: Time to Fess Up

One more thought.....

My wife and I have a plan that we have agreed on. Part of that plan is that we have previously agreed upon safe word. Not...'It's me' or 'Hi honey I'm home' but a word or phrase that no-one will guess. Especially if your husband is prone to coming in and out of the house at strange times of the night (shift work, call outs etc).

Hopefully you will never need it, but it can't hurt to have one. :tiphat:
by Kevinf2349
Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:52 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Time to Fess Up
Replies: 30
Views: 4401

Re: Time to Fess Up


+1 on the dog. Apart from the fact that they will alert you of intruders in the house, they will alert you of smoke and anythin else 'out of place' both inside and outside the house. A house alarm sounds like it would be a good investment too, if only for peace of mind.

There were a couple of threads on here about how to best 'secure' your home and property but I think the consensus (in order of preference) were:


I think you did great with what actions you took. :hurry:

ps. Good luck with the holster situation, and enjoy the new pistol when you get it. :thumbs2:

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