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by thorkyl
Wed Jul 15, 2009 1:54 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Missed 51% sign
Replies: 18
Views: 3193

Re: Missed 51% sign

From TABC - ... ailers.pdf" onclick=";return false;

Permit authorizes the holder to sell mixed drinks from unsealed containers and wine, beer, ale and malt liquor in containers of any legal size for on-premises consumption.

A Food and Beverage Certificate may be issued to the holder of a Beer Retailer’s On-Premise Permit or Wine and Beer Retailer’s Permit if food service is the primary business being operated on the licensed premises or to the holder of a Mixed Beverage Permit or Private Club Permit if food service is available on the premises and the gross receipts of alcoholic beverages do not exceed 50 percent of total gross receipts.
The holder must meet requirements of the Code and Rule 33.5 concerning minimum number of entrees served, hours of service, etc. Certificate allows holder to be exempt from posting a conduct surety bond.

They are less than 51% if they have a MB,FB

I would suspect that they have a bad posting.

I also remember reading somewhere in the statutes that if its 51% minors are not allowed entry, still looking for it.
Found it, I was mistaken

From -" onclick=";return false;
May a minor enter the premises where a license or permit is issued?
Generally yes, if he does not possess or consume an alcoholic beverage. A minor may not enter the premises of a package store unless accompanied by an adult parent, spouse or guardian. A licensee or permittee may have a “house rule” that minors may not enter their licensed premises.

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