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by GeekwithaGun
Fri Sep 18, 2009 8:38 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Am I printing badly? Also, weak side vs strong side for BUG
Replies: 30
Views: 4180

Re: Am I printing badly? Also, weak side vs strong side for BUG

LoneStarWings wrote:It's a comp-tac mtac holster. It does pul my shirt in when I sit down or bend over, but I do a quick shirt tail pull-down maneuver to retain my concealment.
I have the Comp-Tac / MTAC IWB for my M&P 9 compact. Been carrying for a week and is not noticable by anyone that doesn't have a clue. In fact, because I can't carry at the office, fed. building, I have to leave my 9c in the car in locked glove box. Went to lunch the other day with a co-worker and unlocked the glove box after getting in. I did not re-arm until after arriving at the destination and the co-worker exited the car. I "fumbled around looking for the cell phone", when actually was placing the gun in the holster. After eating we arriving back in the parking lot, when he exited the car, I dis-armed and put the 9c back in the glove box and he still had no clue and really didn't care what I was doing. It took me just a few seconds to do all this. He knows I was applying for the CHL, but didn't know I got it, so I asked on the way back into the building if he could tell I was wearing the empty holster or if he knew what I had done. No clue.

That day I actually tucked my shirt in, so re-arming took a little extra time just to make sure the shirt was tucked enough to look somewhat natural. If i wear my shirt untucked, dis-arming and re-arming is a lot faster.

I love the MTAC, I wear it at 4:00 as this is most comfortable while in the car, seated at my desk and on the couch at home.

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