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by suthdj
Sun Mar 11, 2018 10:45 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Anyone else have a beer gut?
Replies: 31
Views: 8884

Re: Anyone else have a beer gut?

Grundy1133 wrote:Ok I'm a South paw who has a good size beer gut. I know it's unhealthy bla bla bla... I like sweet tea and BBQ.. Sue me. Lol. I'll be getting my LTC soon and i plan to carry a full size S&W M&P 40 and the only comfortable place I've been able to find for me to CC IWB is around the 7-8 o clock postion because at 11-10 o clock the belly gets in the way and at 9 o clock the gun digs into my side... Now for me this isn't ideal because A. I can't see my gun by just looking down (to make sure it's covered properly) and B. I wouldn't wanna be standing in a line and someone behind me notice that I have a fire arm and decide to act like a dumb donkey and grab it. Any other husky guys out there that could recommend a way of CCing a full size handgun that won't interfere with their manly abs? :lol:

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