txinvestigator wrote:http://www.specopsystems.com/
Hmm...it is the latest version of Lynx. What your frame needs have to do with it I'm not sure, but I can recommend a store off Campbell that makes nice ones. (Hint: the tag is called "<noframes>" not "<berate_viewer's_software_because_you're_too_lazy_to_provide_the_content_in_normal_html>")Some knucklehead wrote:This site requires frames. Please upgrade your browser to the latest version.
Nice of them to tell me which Art Institute dropout to avoid in case I ever get too lazy to do my own web design work and want to have someone alienate potential customers for me. I was kinda hoping elinks might get me something useful from the site, though.That same knucklehead wrote:Designer Websites by SiteCube.com
So, when they get around to releasing flash player 8 for Opera under Linux, I still won't care enough to wait for a bunch of garbage to load. Using flash where it's not needed is just as bad as doing a series of shoulder rolls to get to the bathroom because it looks cool.Yup, him again wrote:You need flash player 8 or above to enjoy this site.
I guess it's just too hard to design a web page around actual content and accessibility these days.
