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Wed May 09, 2007 12:05 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Rights and Duties while under Citizens Arrest?
Replies: 37
Views: 14674

seamusTX wrote:At the same time, you have to pick your fights. For example, I used to see prostitutes around my neighborhood. As long as they didn't bother me or mine, I pretended they didn't exist. Certain jobs are best left to the LEOs.
I've seen some really nasty looking prostitutes, but when you get right down to it, they still looked a lot better than our LEOs would in those short skirts. I'd say leave prostitution to the prostitutes.

Tue May 08, 2007 8:42 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Rights and Duties while under Citizens Arrest?
Replies: 37
Views: 14674

seamusTX wrote:Lights and cameras might help, too. The cameras don't need to be real. You can buy fake security cameras.
Just grab a shoebox and write "CAMERA" on it with a sharpie.

Ever notice that the fake cameras are never even remotely similar to the real ones a given store carries?

For less than that windshield cost you, you can get a camera and simple DVR setup that will record to SD cards. (1GB cards are often available for $20) Most of them loop, so you don't have to worry about changing tapes, and most of them are motion-sensing, so you won't waste hours of recording space watching the grass grow.

If you know within 4-6hrs when it is likely to happen, or don't mind swapping tapes that often, you could just use a $30-40 camera and a VCR from the pawnshop. For about $100-150, some places may have a camera and controller combo that will give you limited motion-sensing capability. (nothing like the pre-loop setup with digital, though, which can show you a preset amount of what was happening before the motion sensing circuit was tripped)

Here's a nice one for the computer that's still cheaper than a windshield: ... id=5295975

I don't see the SD-based one on their website, but my local WalMart has it for $150-200 without any SD cards. Check your WalMart, and especially any electronics or spy-supply stores.

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