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Thu Jun 07, 2007 3:02 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Man killed after bumping Metro bus passenger
Replies: 131
Views: 24417

Paladin wrote:"He may have had a (criminal) background, but it didn't warrant him to be shot down like a dog," Etta Francis said.
Of course not, and he wasn't; dogs are shot to death as quickly and cleanly as possible when it is necessary to shoot them. He was shot to stop his actions, and happened to die as a result of the wound.

ISTR at least one story specifying that only one shot was fired, which is hardly consistent with the shooter wanting to kill.
Wed Mar 28, 2007 9:18 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Man killed after bumping Metro bus passenger
Replies: 131
Views: 24417

jimlongley wrote:#1 - if you could have drawn BEFORE the shooting took place, you MIGHT have been justified in doing so, but if the shooting was over and the shooter was exiting, you stand a good chance of getting in trouble.

Read it again; the shooter didn't exit. He stayed on the bus, still armed, and still in full view of the witnesses.
So why the little tale? Do you know that the confrontation wasn't a case were the shooter was justified in using deadly force to defend himself?
Young, armed male against older, unarmed male? I'd be hard pressed to find justification in that.

You might as well say that I shouldn't shoot back at a guy that's shooting at me because I might have unknowingly given him valid reason to do so.

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