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Mon May 09, 2011 9:27 pm
Forum: Federal
Topic: 2012 Presidential Election
Replies: 71
Views: 13256

Re: 2012 Presidential Election

74novaman wrote:Since we have the ability using carrier based fighters, US based bombers like the B2, etc to hit anywhere we need to within 24 hours, we can simply close up shop on most of our foreign bases.
They're still good to have as staging areas for infantry, etc. Bombers suck at occupying territory.

Lease them and any non-secret facilities on them back to the host country while maintaining the extraterritoriality and a clause in the lease providing for essentially an emergency short-notice eviction. Also maintain a small emergency/security crew to protect any sensitive toys that can't be packed up and taken home, and to handle emergency operations. (i.e. US plane making an emergency landing for repairs, initial prep work for the above-mentioned eviction, canary for judging the host nation's intentions toward us, etc.) That way, it's all still there if we need it, but at a tiny fraction of the cost of a fully staffed base.
Mon May 09, 2011 7:20 am
Forum: Federal
Topic: 2012 Presidential Election
Replies: 71
Views: 13256

Re: 2012 Presidential Election

texasmusic wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:The problem with Ron Paul is that he's a hypocrite. He rants about earmarks and pork, and then he brings home just as much as the next guy. Naturally his constituents like him and keep reelecting him. Just don't expect "outsiders" not to call a spade a spade when they see one.
Isn't that akin to disagreeing with the social security, but still expecting to get some of that money back since after all you did pay in even though you disagreed with the system. Seems to be one of the more pragmatic things he does.
This. Even Ayn Rand admitted that there's nothing wrong with using the benefits system to get back some of what was taken from you under threat of force.
Fri May 06, 2011 8:30 pm
Forum: Federal
Topic: 2012 Presidential Election
Replies: 71
Views: 13256

Re: 2012 Presidential Election

SewTexas wrote:He said on Fox the other night he would basically abandon Israel.
Considering that most of what we've done "for" Israel recently is hold them back and tell them not to counterattack effectively, his attitude might be better described as in favor of "getting out of Israel's way and letting them deal with their problems."
Fri May 06, 2011 8:24 pm
Forum: Federal
Topic: 2012 Presidential Election
Replies: 71
Views: 13256

Re: 2012 Presidential Election

Munk wrote:I for one would love to see Allen West run.
He said he'd consider VP. Can we get Dave Ramsey to run for President and pick West? :patriot:

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