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Tue Aug 10, 2010 2:17 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Late night drive thru encounter....and no gun.
Replies: 34
Views: 5776

Re: Late night drive thru encounter....and no gun.

MojoTexas wrote:Just buy yourself a used Rossi or Taurus .357 Magnum revolver as a "truck gun" and leave it in your vehicle.
I still want a mare's leg in .357 for a car gun, especially since I carry a .357 revolver and always have a box or two of .357 and .38+P Gold Dots in the car. Just haven't seen one available when I had the cash available.

IMO, it might look a bit more convincing than a revolver when you swing it up and crank one into the chamber as the guy gets too close, plus it should still be a decent coyote gun out to the ranges I'm normally dealing with at our land.
Fri Aug 06, 2010 6:04 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Late night drive thru encounter....and no gun.
Replies: 34
Views: 5776

Re: Late night drive thru encounter....and no gun.

Hoi Polloi wrote:Another thought: you would only be boxed in at the drive-through if you put yourself in that position. How close you are to the car in front of you is almost entirely up to you.
You're assuming a wide-open drive through. Taco Bell here, in particular, has a lane barely wide enough for one vehicle, with high curbs that my Blazer would barely clear; most passenger cars wouldn't have a chance of getting out if cars were in front and behind. To make matters worse, it's grass for at least several car lengths if you do clear the curb, so in wet weather you might still be stuck.

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