I leave it open a lot if we're going in and out, but then, we have two cameras overlapping on the approach to the garage, and anyone going in during the day will have to get close enough for a really nice identifying shot. At night they might to be too easily recognized, but it's still a lot better than nothing.PJK wrote:I am sorry to hear that this happened. My wife and I have been harping on the kids to leave the garage door closed at all times, even when doing yard work.
Of course, if they're brazen enough to pull up in the driveway, there's a really good chance that the license plate will be legible in at least one camera view.
I can't even convince my wife that it's a bad idea to go for a walk while I'm taking a nap, and leave the front door unlocked so she won't have to take her keys.This is just one more testimonial to the importance of keeping your home locked up.
Do they not put sliding bolt latches on most garage doors these days? It's a lot more secure than fiddling with the release, and a lot easier to deal with when the power goes out and you need to get out in the dark.I watched that youtube video and have already taken a piece of wire and tied up the release latch. Thanks for that security tidbit.