Whether you intend to do anything else or not, you may be required to report it to animal control:WEC wrote:I don't intend to pursue any legal action to the owner nor the dog.
Houston Code of Ordinances Sec 6-17 (f) Any person having knowledge of an animal bite is hereby required to report it immediately to the department.
Quite a number of cities have something similar, though some only require medical personnel (sounds like that may not get you out of it either) to report bites they're aware of. I'm not quite bored enough to go digging through H&SC 822 & 826 to see if either lists a requirement at the state level, but there may be something there as well. Either way, if the dog makes a habit of biting in inappropriate situations (i.e. anyone not a clear threat to its owner) it should be reported. The next person to get bitten may be a Girl Scout trying to sell some cookies.