I just keep a text document and some jpgs in a zipped and PGP encrypted file on my desktop and a flash drive in my pocket. Works for any OS...which is useful with two Debian laptops, one dual-booting XP, and two desktops, one Vista and the other XP. Each has GnuPG installed and a copy of my private key, so the only time it's all in one place is when I'm there to defend it all.G.A. Heath wrote:I keep two records on my firearms. The first is an open office spreadsheet, and the second is a windows application that plays somewhat nicely under wine.

Even if the house burns down and I fail to grab my pants on the way out, there's a spare copy on a CD of assorted useful paperwork in mom's gunsafe, (updated from time to time as new paperwork comes along) so we should be about as protected as we can get in terms of documentation.