chasfm11 wrote:I'm glad to hear that the real answer is that there is no underwriting basis for anti-gun rules. That must mean that there are either some legal precedents that have the corporate lawyers concerned or that the whole thing is a sham and insurance and legal reasons are used to cover up personal anti-gun sentiment on the part of high level managers.mojo84 wrote:Chasfm11, I have been in the commercial insurance business for 15 years. Not one time has the issue of concealed carry or weapons sign posting ever been mentioned by the underwriters. I've never seen it asked on an application. Nor have I ever had one require any type of posting or any anti gun rule be put in place. It simply has not come up or been an issue.
It is easy for companies and property owners to use their insurance company as justification for a policy they want to put in place when in fact the insurance company has nothing to do with it.
Similarly I'm told by insurance industry folks that many gun range rules are merely personal bias disguised as "insurance makes us"