Just competed with a Glock 26 for first time in an IDPA match this past weekend. Was fun and challenging. Definitely noticed a difference in my accuracy - more points down than normal. Missed a target entirely on one stage, yet put 2-inch spread double taps in the 0 on two other targets at same distance in same stage. So consistency was bigger problem than pure accuracy. Learned a lot about my limitations with the particular gun and on what areas I need to concentrate even more (grip and sight picture) with shorter grip and shorter barrel and sight radius.
OP definitely should give it a try.
And hey, with G26 I still beat CWOOD by 1.5 seconds overall
cwood I saw your name on the results but didn't see you out there. Big crowd on Sunday. We had a fun squad - couple of LEOs with duty belts and a 7-foot tall kid who used to play D1 college basketball. Everyone thought he was shooting an M&P compact, but turns out it was a full size ... his hands were just that much bigger than us "normal" folks
I tried to encourage him to shoot OVER the 6 foot barricades, but he wouldn't do it