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Might want to think twice about stocking up on high-cap mags as a business investment this time. If you don't them for your own guns, you'll own a lot of non-transferable gun parts.Rep. Carolyn McCarthy’s (D-N.Y.) bill also goes further than than the assault weapon ban that expired in 2004, outlawing the sale or transfer of clips that hold more than ten rounds, even those obtained before the law takes effect, according to a copy of the bill obtained by POLITICO.
The bill closes a loophole in the expired assault weapon ban that let gun owners buy high-capacity magazines made before the ban took effect in 1994.
The bill carries a penalty of up to 10 years in prison.
Under this bill, I wonder who takes possession of all your high-cap mags when you die? Probably the same people who take your money when you die - the gubmint.