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by A-R
Tue Jun 01, 2010 11:25 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: A bad situation that thankfully didnt turn worse
Replies: 25
Views: 5673

Re: A bad situation that thankfully didnt turn worse

Take the OP's scenario a step further: The window-punching guy and the car driver guy come to blows, someone ends up dead or seriously injured (knife is pulled, tire iron, whatever). There is the "victor" in this "fight" standing over the beaten with weapon in hand (or just clinched fists). You're the OP standing there watching and waiting for 911 to show up (an hour later).

Now what do you do if ...

- guy goes for the girl (is she screaming not to approach? is she sitting their dumbfounded and speechless?)
- guy drives off alone
- guy drives off with girl (is this guy the "protector" of the girl, or is he driving her off to do evil things to her later?)
- guy comes toward you with weapon? with clinched fists and a vacant look in his eyes?

I bring all this up to show just a few of the nearly infinite possibilities of where this thing could go. Do each of you know what you would do in each of these scenarios and the others I haven't mentioned or even dreamed up?

This is not meant to be some "scary story" to warn you not to get involved. Nor is it meant to be an infinite game of "what if" (What if it turns out he's a zombie? :biggrinjester: )

Just throwing this out there for discussion because these are the real-world possibilities you must deal with if you wade into a confrontation such as this without knowing all the facts of the situation. Everyone has to make their own decisions how they would deal with such scenarios. We can be passionate about why OUR decision is the right decision, but baring some obvious breaking of the law there is often no universal right or wrong response.

EDITED TO ADD: Seems to me the OP did well. I might be more inclinced to be the person looking out his apartment window with 911 dispatch on the phone. But that's me. I have a wife and two young children to consider as well. So while I'm a bit more hesitant to get involved myself, I would be eternally grateful to the OP if that was my daughter in the car.

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