You should've written her a warning for "failure to drive safely" and said "ma'am, under section 46.02 of the Penal Code, you are allowed to keep a handgun concealed in your vehicle. Please have proper protection with you. Next time, I'll have to cite you. "gigag04 wrote:Pulled a lady over because her license plate lights were out. I make contact and let her know why she's hearing from me (this is a standard stop that I make regularly but don't even bother even with writing a warning for...for the record...). I ask for her license and I see a 25 yd pistol target in the passenger seat - she nervously smiles and says "oh I don't have a gun, I just went shooting for me first time." I told her that's a shame that she didn't and shooting like that (she did decent) she should be carrying one in no time. She said her husband had said he wanted them both to get CHL's. I said that would be awesome because we (the cops) can't be everywhere. I encouraged her to continue in her training and sent her on her way. Hopefully she'll follow through.

But in all seriousness, nice job. You likely gave her a BIG boost of confidence to go ahead and get her CHL.