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by A-R
Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:09 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: The Mrs. Almost Needed That Parking Lot Bill
Replies: 9
Views: 2208

Re: The Mrs. Almost Needed That Parking Lot Bill

Glad your wife is OK. Not second-guessing anything she did, but I agree with above that, at that time of night, heck with company policy, I'd be armed. I'd even take the gun with me INSIDE the premises unless I'd been given proper 30.06 warning.

And agree that y'all should mention this story to your local politicians so they understand just what is at stake with the current manner in which companies can make you choose between your job or you safety. They need this story on their minds next time a parking lot carry bill comes up on the Legislature.

This kind of thing - companies prohibiting their employees from exercising basic self defense - infuriates me :mad5 and is one of the major reasons I left the corporate world to try to make it on my own as a Realtor.

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