A few thoughts, if I may. These are merely ideas, thoughts, opinions, suggestions from the safe vantage point of 20/20 hindsight. You and your family are alive and safe. You did well, regardless of any second guessing. You and your family are alive and safe. Keep repeating that to yourself. You did well. Be proud of yourself. Everything here is just constructive criticism from which we can ALL learn.
1. While I agree with the notion of 24/7 carry, let's all pause a moment and think whether true 24/7/365 is really possible? Obviously, it seems in this case Blake could have been carrying (do we assume correct Blake?). But at one time or another we will ALL find ourselves in a situation where we simply cannot carry. You can avoid all the 30.06 signs you want, but at some point your loved one will be in a hospital marked 30.06, or you'll need to pick up your child from a school, or you'll need to run into the post office, the county courthouse, or the polling place to vote.
So, it is probably best that we all think through scenarios like this one to decide what we would do if we found ourself in a use of force situation and our gun was locked in our vehicle. As Blake has already mentioned, he likely should have broken the car window to retrieve the gun. But there are others points that I think bare repeating.
2. Blake, his wife's sister, and the student pastor should have all been calling and talking to/holding the line with 911. Blake's wife should have been DRIVING and doing everything she could to avoid this maniac. If there was a police or fire station between her and the church, she should have gone there. Otherwise, all callers to 911 should've been giving police dispatch the location of the church, description and approximate location of wife's car and maniac's car. Try to lead the maniac to the church, hoping the police will be there to stop him. And in case they were not there in time, Blake should have broken the window to his truck and retrieved his gun.
3. While hitting the car with the bat and standing in front of the oncoming car in hindsight seem like dangerous and illogical things to do (and they are), it is the ultimate testament to BRAVERY to do that which is dangerous or illogical to protect others. Like a dog who distracts a bear so his master can escape or a soldier who falls on a grenade - Blake should be PROUD of the actions he took in a desperate situation that likely occured faster than any of us can fathom. I tip my hat to you, sir.

4. Also a job well done by your wife. Her adrenaline was likely pumping at an all time high and fear could have overcome her. While there are plenty of points where she could have made a different decision, she is alive, she did not panic to the point of wrecking the car, she did not stop and cower in fear. About his wife getting a CHL: Just remember, carrying a defensive firearm is NOT for everyone. It is an awesome responsibility that should not be forced upon those who are not ready and willing.
5. While I GREATLY appreciate your willingness to post the details of this incident on this board for all of us to discuss and learn from, your lawyer (IANAL) likely will or already has told you to stop discussing this case. This is likely good advice (again IANAL). I VERY MUCH want to know the outcome of this situation, but fully understand and expect to wait until the conclusion of this matter within the legal system.
Again, I am so happy you and your loved ones are safe. Thank for sharing this story with us all.