My wife's grandfather is the biggest bone head in the world when it comes to guns. I live on an Air Force base (big signs out front, that say no firearms.) mine are registered on base so I can have them in housing, but I do not carry them around on base (not aloud).
So he comes to visit, I tell him leave your guns at home. he says he has a CHL and it is fine, I tell him this is federal property and it is not fine. So he gets here and we are checking in the base hotel and they give their spill about no smoking, pets, or guns, and he pulles his snuby .38 out and says "so I can't have this" I wanted to kill him.
Another time we were at the wife's uncle's ranch in muenster TX and we all were OCing, just for wild animals and what not. He drops his colt 45 on the brick ground while screwing with it. (luckily no bang). then he decides to set it on the table that everybody is sitting at. My 16 yr old brother-in-law noticed that it was pointed straight at him so he moved a candle in front of it and slid to the side a little bit. wifes Grandfather noticed he moved and re aimed the gun at him(joking...yes with a loaded gun). My Father inlaw, hates the grandfather and the 16 Brother in law is his youngest ( very protective), so he grabs my gun (I let him have it), racks slide, sends chambered round flying and points gun at grandfathers head, tells him to stand up grab his gun and put it in his car. He was livid, I thought for sure the Grandfather was going to die.
there are a few others with him, and I cannot even tell you how many times he has muzzle grazed me. I hate being around him at all but even less when he is armed. He belives unloaded guns are unloaded. I am fired up just typing this. sorry for the long read.
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- by Coffeyc
- Fri Oct 02, 2009 10:19 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Any bone-head CHLers?
- Replies: 43
- Views: 6146
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