Yes, I see now Excaliber you did/do tender serious thought on the question. My response was/is more superficial. I have reading glasses now and it is easier to follow a long discourse (my concentration is not what it used to be).Excaliber wrote:
My suggested approach starts with asking yourself a few questions (preferably well ahead of time - during an incident there will be too much going on to do a good job here):
1. Am I willing to risk being seriously injured or killed to protect my property?
2. What are my options for direct intervention while staying within the law?
3. Am I willing to act on the edge of justification where my actions could easily be interpreted as unlawful, at least initially, with the risk that I could be arrested on a felony, endanger my livelihood, and have my weapons seized and vindication, if it ever comes, may take years?
4. What is the law enforcement response time like where I live?
5. Is there a point where possible permanent loss of the property in question may be an acceptable option in order to achieve my objectives in the answers to questions 1 through 3?
My priority order for these incidents is:
1. Come through the incident alive.
2. Come through the incident without serious injuries to any innocent party (and ideally without serious injuries to anyone).
3. Stay solidly within the law so I don't incur $40,000 in legal bills in order to protect a $2500 trailer
4. Protect and retain the property that is rightfully mine.
1. Am I willing to risk being seriously injured or killed to protect my property?
Property can be replaced. If that is a serious risk, no, if it is avoidable. But, how do we measure the risk level? Depends on the situation.
If the risk is low enough the answer is probably yes.
2. What are my options for direct intervention while staying within the law?
I don't care to brandish a weapon even on my own property. If a weapon is out it's because it is needed for protection and the possibilty of being used is real.
Before a firearm ever came out there would be a verbal admonishment - unless the perpetrators were in dangerous proximity.
3. Am I willing to act on the edge of justification where my actions could easily be interpreted as unlawful, at least initially, with the risk that I could be arrested on a felony, endanger my livelihood, and have my weapons seized and vindication, if it ever comes, may take years?
To this question the answer is no. However, if it is a clearly justified situation of self preservation it is a different matter.
4. What is the law enforcement response time like where I live?
The farm could take 15 minutes? Never had to try it. Sheriff's dept. There are parts of the farm where cell phones do not work so getting any response could be dicey. Have a house in town and everything would be different there because law enforcement is so accessible.
5. Is there a point where possible permanent loss of the property in question may be an acceptable option in order to achieve my objectives in the answers to questions 1 through 3?
Seems like most of the answers above could change depending on the situation however.
Excaliber, I cannot do your questions justice because they are so couched in specificities that could vary so widely based on the situation. I think my "problem" with this whole topic is that in my mind I am rolling all of this property theft issue with criminals invading personal property into protection of the individual rather than the property.
I do think the OP should have interceded to protect his property.
He should have let the criminals flee when they chose that option. If the warning shots had been during the act to stop it and not after it would be different.
It looks like I am having a hard time seperating the "fear" of bodily harm by the same criminals that would steal property and/or trespass (with bad intent).
Excaliber, you appear to have the benefit of serious experience/analysis of these issues.
I do not know the answers; I don't plan on rolling over for any criminals however.
I just do not know. Actually kind of sorry I jumped in here. I am not sure you can analyze this situation in advance there are so many variables...
EDIT: one last point. It is difficult to seperate all of this into theory. Fact of the matter is that many petty crimes turn into assaults and even homicides when the perp is caught in the act. I guess this what-if analysis if good but when the situation presents itself there will be unique circumstances that will dictate actions. Everything is in a different light if the trespassers can potentially harm the victim.