As far as sights go, I'm accustomed to the tiny GI-style sights on my Rock Island. The Double Eagle sights were quick and easy to acquire in comparison; I fired the 7 rounds I took today rapid-fire, at the head of a silhouette at 7 yards. One flyer - the rest stayed in the head.
As for the grips, yes they were a tad rough, but manageable. But then again, I've got tougher hands than Mom.
Double-action was manageable (I think that was my flyer - fired first round DA), and the single-action seemed almost as fast as a 1911 to me. Very nice gun, easy to handle, and it felt much better in my hand than I first expected. I didn't like the fact that you can't carry it Condition One; it has a decocker, not a safety. This fact is made up for in the DA capability, though; with practice, a smooth trigger pull in DA is certainly possible.
A body could do far worse than a Double Eagle for defense work or for just plain fun (or both). If I didn't have my 1911, I'd go for the Double Eagle without hesitation.