I will also add that I feel better meeting someone who is a regular on this forumCarry-a-Kimber wrote:USA1 wrote:I've done a few FTF transactions (usually as a seller).bnc wrote:
I'm not sure what the etiquette is for doing FTF in a store/range is, so any pointers there would be nice! I don't want to anger any business owners by using their property for a private sale, but I'm not sure if a big box store is appropriate either. I figure a range is probably a good place, but I don't really know.
All have been done in the outer areas of a parking lot of a strip center or major store.
One of us will usually get in the others car/truck to avoid unwanted attention.
If you're buying a gun from a random stranger, I think a range would be ideal to check
the function of the gun while being in a public place and without raising any eyebrows.I like to use a large parking lot that is visable from the main thoroughfare. Its easy to find and if it isn't too crowed and you have the description of the vehicle you are meeting, easy to find the other half of the transaction. About the "getting in someone else's car" part; nobady really notices any one anymore. People are too busy with cell phones, kids, grocery carts etc. to see how long one guy hops in another guy's car. People might notice you getting in or out of a vehicle but I doubt anyone will take notice or even be wise to the fact that you were only a parking lot passenger so to speak. Unless of course you meet at a truck stop and get mistaken for a lot lizard
...I kid, I kid. Bass Pro sounds like a winner.
as opposed to someone answering an ad from a gun trading/selling/buying website
that I have never met.