Hey Longtooth, didn't have to set up the tent. i checked the site this morning and it was posted "application complete, issuing license", well the wife called me at 2pm today, and she said........"Honey your license came in the mail today"
Man, if it taking 83 days for people who lived in 2 counties in Texas, then it is going to take me 120+ days because i'm retired military and lived in 3 differant states my last 5 years. dang
You are not kidding! i was so upset and mad, i went to the websight and checked everything and could not find nothing out of place. and when i called and the lady on the other end assured me 3 times that everything was fine, i felt relief. just wish they would hurry up.
called DPS today, i was told there was nothing wrong with my application, so i came home from work and checked my status, Still processing i was told it was probly a computer glitch, so my time did not get reset
went online to check the status of my application and found this!!!!!!!!
"The data you have submitted does not match what is in our records. Please verify the data submitted is correct. If you still cannot proceed, please contact DPS at 1-800-224-5744 or email chl@txdps.state.tx.us for more information."