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by lrb111
Fri Jan 05, 2007 8:29 am
Forum: Closed Items
Topic: WTB cheap 1911
Replies: 32
Views: 4665

Re: 'Preciate it

Rex B wrote:Thanks for the RIA tips, I'll scope that out this weekend.

Can't believe they'd let a gun out with casting imperfections in the feed ramp.
Speaking of which, dooes the RIA have the wide feed ramps, or the narrow military type?

Honestly I didn't know there was a difference. Mine is now wider.

Oh yeah, the rear sight has been glued in place by the US distributor. It needs a little heat to melt the glue, if you need to do an adjustment. Or if you want to do a replacement. Drift it out right to left.

If you want best bang for the buck , go with High Vel's sugestion on the PT1911. There weren't any when i was ready to buy. In fact, I had to get in line to even get a Rock.
by lrb111
Thu Jan 04, 2007 9:21 pm
Forum: Closed Items
Topic: WTB cheap 1911
Replies: 32
Views: 4665

I got a Rock, for exactly the same reasons. So far I have learned how to polish the ramp, and tune the extractor.

Tuning the extractor cured failure to feed problems. It took about 5 minutes with the right file. :smile:

If you are going to look for an RIA, and have several to look over thre are a few areas i would look at.
The frames are MIM. (Cast metal) Look inside the mag well for porosity or pock marks. Also look at the feed ramp for the same things.

The last time we went to the range, I was having laugh out loud fun popping the steel chickens and pigs at the silhouette range.

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