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by powerboatr
Thu Jan 21, 2016 7:23 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: 2 Navy Boats in Iranian Custody
Replies: 96
Views: 18582

Re: 2 Navy Boats in Iranian Custody

one senator wrote me back..but failed to address my questions

"Thank you for contacting me regarding the United States’ policy toward Iran. I appreciate having the benefit of your comments on this important matter.

Iran represents a growing threat to the United States and the international community. The Iranian regime’s drive to acquire nuclear weapons is of grave concern, as it continues to pose a major risk to our national security. Furthermore, the regime’s public calls for the destruction of Israel—our friend and ally—and their support of terrorist organizations and other enemies of the United States are clear examples of its reprehensible pattern of conduct. Through this rhetoric and other actions, Iran continues to foster instability in the Middle East.

These are some of the reasons why I was deeply troubled by President Obama’s July 14, 2015, announcement that the United States and the other P5+1 partners had concluded an agreement with Iran that includes relief from sanctions, but allows Iran to maintain a substantial nuclear infrastructure. Moreover, the deal prohibits International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors from investigating known and suspected nuclear sites without first gaining Iranian permission. Most concerning, the agreement abandons the longstanding U.S. policy of preventing Iran from advancing its nuclear program in favor of a feeble containment policy. The deal leaves Iran on the threshold of obtaining a nuclear weapon, as well as lifts sanctions on Iran’s conventional weapons’ trade in five years and ballistic missiles’ trade in eight years.

Since the negotiations between the P5+1 countries and Iran began in November 2013, I have supported legislation that seeks to eliminate the Iranian nuclear program. I was proud to have joined with my Senate colleagues in cosponsoring the Nuclear Weapons Free Iran Act of 2015 (S. 269), in an effort to maintain the pressure of strong economic sanctions against Iran. In addition, I supported the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act (P.L 114-17), which passed the Senate on May 7, 2015, and was signed into law on May 22, 2015. After President Obama formally submitted the agreement to Congress on July 17, 2015, I voted to reject the agreement; however, Senate Democrats employed the filibuster, a Senate parliamentary procedure, to prevent a vote on the nuclear agreement before the September 17, 2015, deadline. Despite the implementation of the deal, you may be certain that I will continue to work to support legislation that increases sanctions on Iran and makes our nation safer.

Iran’s lack of regard for human rights and its draconian constraints on free expression—in particular its harsh repression of ethnic and religious minorities—have drawn criticism not only from the United States, but also from the United Nations. Yet, in spite of the regime’s oppressive rule, the world has seen throngs of brave Iranians take to the streets in recent years, risking their lives to resist the radical, abusive, and totalitarian regime that rules their nation. The people of Iran are hungry for freedom, and America has a duty to stand behind them and support their cause.

The Iranian regime’s pursuit of nuclear weapons, continued support for terrorism, undermining of the Middle East peace process, and dismal human rights record are unacceptable. The United States must continue to send a clear message to Iran’s leaders that actions that threaten peace and security in the Middle East and around the world will not be tolerated. Furthermore, we will not stand idly by while Iran abuses its own people.

I appreciate having the opportunity to represent Texas in the United States Senate. Thank you for taking the time to contact me.


United States Senator
by powerboatr
Wed Jan 20, 2016 4:18 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: 2 Navy Boats in Iranian Custody
Replies: 96
Views: 18582

Re: 2 Navy Boats in Iranian Custody ... -says.html

read this article

The U.S. Navy said Monday that the 10 American sailors aboard two patrol craft seized at gunpoint by Iran last week had "deviated" from their assigned route although Iran claimed that the sailors' GPS devices were in working order.

pretty much backs up everything and some more questions arise

man the traitors in DC are just plain despicable
by powerboatr
Tue Jan 19, 2016 10:19 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: 2 Navy Boats in Iranian Custody
Replies: 96
Views: 18582

Re: 2 Navy Boats in Iranian Custody

he is very right, I think a huge cadre of folks here agree in his summation. Most of us have stressed many of his points.
Thats what makes the the whole story so unbelievable as told by the whitehouse talking heads.

we just have to keep the pressure on
by powerboatr
Tue Jan 19, 2016 6:46 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: 2 Navy Boats in Iranian Custody
Replies: 96
Views: 18582

Re: 2 Navy Boats in Iranian Custody

classifying it above double secret probation. i think could be beat like a dead horse.
hillary still hasn't been arrested or prosecuted for her gross mishandling of classified materials
than add in gen petraeus got flame sprayed for much much less.
then we toss in kerry calling the Iranians....
msm might bury it...but us veterans that follow it closely would be banging on the door to court martial
by powerboatr
Tue Jan 19, 2016 4:09 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: 2 Navy Boats in Iranian Custody
Replies: 96
Views: 18582

Re: 2 Navy Boats in Iranian Custody

parabelum wrote:What is the consensus on the sailors, I'm pretty sure POTUS and his minions are well insulated, but do you think that they will:

A. Get a medal

B. Be sent for court marshal

C. Be kept low-key and discharged quietly once proverbial dust settles (or our check into Iranian Treasury clears)
bet they have been threatened not to reveal the event.
i would imagine soon we may see some of them spilling the beans, as being CAPTURED is not a secret

i doubt more and more each day that they were guilty of much more than bad seamanship once a "problem" occurred
why was out own forces not looking for them, and how did kerry know where they were?
be nice if one or more of them become whistle blowers and get congress deeply involved.
by powerboatr
Tue Jan 19, 2016 2:32 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: 2 Navy Boats in Iranian Custody
Replies: 96
Views: 18582

Re: 2 Navy Boats in Iranian Custody

VMI77 wrote:Image
the story from the administration is total bovine droppings

think about one more issue.
these boats "supposedly" lost all communications.
so HOW would kerry know their whereabouts? if our own NAVY that is right there didn't know the locations of these two boats or their condition?
why would he call the Iranians ? If was so concerned..why did he call the secretary of defense and the commanders in the region?

kerry committed treason, of which he is no virgin in that area.
and if he was told by barry, then that is treason and conspiracy.....
by powerboatr
Sun Jan 17, 2016 6:10 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: 2 Navy Boats in Iranian Custody
Replies: 96
Views: 18582

Re: 2 Navy Boats in Iranian Custody ... manualpost

her is the article on the government telling the irainians were our sailors were
by powerboatr
Sat Jan 16, 2016 1:47 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: 2 Navy Boats in Iranian Custody
Replies: 96
Views: 18582

Re: 2 Navy Boats in Iranian Custody ... f=obinsite
"The capture of two navy ships in Iranian territorial waters represented "a severe failure by somebody," according to a former Navy commander once stationed in Bahrain.

The retired officer, Chris Harmer, slammed the Navy's actions leading up to the ships' capture, saying, "Either the naval leadership put these sailors in an impossible situation or the sailors are professionally incompetent."

lets keep up the pressure, I am so happy to see sailors coming out of the wood work to call FOUL on the play.
and now there are reports they sailors were told to LOOK happy, well of course they were, oldest trick in the book.

watch the videos, no one is blinking morse code either
by powerboatr
Thu Jan 14, 2016 7:44 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: 2 Navy Boats in Iranian Custody
Replies: 96
Views: 18582

Re: 2 Navy Boats in Iranian Custody

well turkey feathers
i had a real nice detailed analysis and BAM its gone

marine capt and navy lt are same paygrade 0-3
so who ever is assigned operational command is in charge,

but despite everything and if all ten failed because of bad training or pc crap
facts remain if we look at the NTM (notice to mariners) for persian gulf during the time of the events
its IMPOSSIBLE for a vessel to drift into iranian waters unless they were already there.
the winds and current were to the south southeast. 7-10 knts wind
if these crews left kuwait at near 0900 then they drove 1.4 hrs at 30 knots then yes they could be in irans waters

but surely these crews knew to turn south out of kuwait and this was not their first rodeo in this area
if both vessels became disabled they would have drifted toward saudi arabia

there was rumor of a refuel to take place....who was minding the refuel boats and communications? Hey joe the boats are late...shall we radio them?
could it have been that these two vessels were ambushed just outside of land (kuwait) and had no choice due to overwhelming force and not alot of weapons, decided to be taken in?
the weapons we see from the iran news are pretty sparce for a operational area like the persian gulf. I agree 100% with that assertion made by others.
so thankful they are safe.
but we need truthful answers, from our government
if training s called for....hopefully it goes to the top
by powerboatr
Thu Jan 14, 2016 4:00 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: 2 Navy Boats in Iranian Custody
Replies: 96
Views: 18582

Re: 2 Navy Boats in Iranian Custody

gregthehand wrote:While it's a serious situation I saw this on Facebook and thought it was hilarious. Those who were in the military will get it, I'm sure.
yep got it the other night,
If the OIC was solely alone in the pooch screwing , then i would ask where was the chief or number 2 person

PC may also play a big part, but i cant imagine it caused ten folks to not question the events and what they train for
i still stand that they were ambushed outside iran waters, and the tides and winds would have put them ashore in saudi not iran
by powerboatr
Thu Jan 14, 2016 2:37 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: 2 Navy Boats in Iranian Custody
Replies: 96
Views: 18582

Re: 2 Navy Boats in Iranian Custody

pentagon just released a statement that the crews got lost through a navigational error :nono:

flag on the play
1. if all NAV systems went belly up, we have a thing called the SUN, dead reckoning would have ensured they were headed in the right direction, which would have been east to southeast.
seriously question both vessels nav systems failed
the officer...being a surface warfare qualified person, would have at least basic nav principles.

the coxswain is also to be well versed in all forms navigation. they may not have a sextent onboard, but the big bright thing in the sky is standing by.

there may be gross negligence....but 10 people screwing the pooch? doubtful
seamship 101, failure, they didnt place in tow the disabled vessel in a speady manner.
BUT, again prevailing winds at the time were to the south and south east, so unless they were already in irainian waters ...they would have drifted toward saudi arabia, not iran. again not to diminish some of the other input..but the fishy stuff still stands.
by powerboatr
Thu Jan 14, 2016 12:18 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: 2 Navy Boats in Iranian Custody
Replies: 96
Views: 18582

Re: 2 Navy Boats in Iranian Custody ... -1.2495135
really good detailed video

i am sure the rules of engagement are quite restrictive, but they are very classified so we may never really know.

the odds of both vessels having "magic" issues are very suspect.
no way both vessels lost comms and nav and propulsion at the same time. PLUS the currents and winds in the gulf at the time was southerly, shifting west. so that would have drove them towards friendly shores, if they were floating at the mercy of the wind and currents.
they were set up and used as pawns for the higher ups.

one thing the video outlines or defines is the actual upper cami top of the officer, he is a surface warfare office, which he should be.
the fact they had at least one commissioned officer in the flotilla, clearly indicates the superiors know this is a hostile water environment, and can anticipate interactions with those who are not friendly. The officer carries the authority to "use deadly force" to protect the unit or to use this force to make the situation "safe", what those rules are, we may never know as this is not something the enemy needs to know for obvious reasons.
watching the video also reveals only one coxswain in flight suit, but that really is non issue.
one other oddities, the sailors were all in there tshirts undergarment, on the decks of the boats, so the irainians must have had them shed the life vests and tactical gear. air temps in the region are cool, it was odd they didnt let them put the cami top shirts on. like they purposely didnt want anyone to see the NAMES of the sailors? they blurred the passport photos and never showed the military identification cards of which they all would have had on their person . Why would the enemy be concerned about privacy of detainees, in regards to their names.

maybe the position of the vessels was leaked to the iranians, and they sailed out into international waters and ambushed our two boats.
by powerboatr
Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:07 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: 2 Navy Boats in Iranian Custody
Replies: 96
Views: 18582

Re: 2 Navy Boats in Iranian Custody

Taypo wrote:1. At least one boat myseriously stopped moving and the backup boat was mysteriously unable to tow it....despite established process and procedure.

2. We've got a total lack of comms coming from those boats and no way to prove where they were. Even with the GPS getting yanked on the Iranian side, there are still tracks all over the place. Where are they?

3. The senior seaman on site gave a confession, veiled as an apology, to the Iranians, in what...less than 12 hours? That's a record...even for the Navy ;)

It''s a false flag. Too many things don't make sense...
i bet in whole the "commander" did what he was ordered to say...simple
count the number of people you see "sailors" during his apology
did the iranians threaten to kill or ??? they did what they needed to survive and gave out no classified info, so lets not condemn the young man. we know not what was the situation.
do we even know they were in iranian waters.
you can bet folks like us need to insist our leaders account for the event.
call and write and let them now we do not believe the bull story
by powerboatr
Wed Jan 13, 2016 7:43 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: 2 Navy Boats in Iranian Custody
Replies: 96
Views: 18582

Re: 2 Navy Boats in Iranian Custody

parabelum wrote:This is statistically and tactically an impossible event, from everything I've read here and other outlets.

So, is this a case where these vessels were disabled via chip technology byway of someone somewhere giving out codes to the Iranians I wonder? Cars and aircraft can certainly be remotely disabled , same for vessels right?
I am having hard time deducting logical explanation for this that doesn't at least partially implicate our own Navy? I don't even want to go down that path of analysis, so the only other explanation is that we have an enemy within, at the Executive level.
pretty sure these boats like most military front line equipment is very hardened agaisnt emf or emp type technology to disable the engines
and i bet my left finger the propulsion system has a manual mode in the event the electronics go take a powder.

i would agree they blocked or jammed communications....but not able to shut down engines.
by powerboatr
Wed Jan 13, 2016 3:27 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: 2 Navy Boats in Iranian Custody
Replies: 96
Views: 18582

Re: 2 Navy Boats in Iranian Custody

i just sent this to my rep Henrsarling
I keep finding more holes in the event.
the video of the "commander" apologizing for the boat crews actions was to well scripted. I am sure he was under the gun so to speak.
But still it just does not wash. Boat crews are highly trained, as they are in harms way ALOT. I doubt the young man was any higher than a 0-2 and seriously doubt he was that high in rank. Most likely he was a Senior or Master chief petty officer. But still he did what he was scripted or forced.
watch the videos of the others in the room as he speaks.

my letter.

As a 22 yer veteran of the US Navy, I find the events of the last two days to be a sham, cover up ad out and out deceit planned by our leaders.

I have deployed to the Persian gulf numerous times
and the shear number of Navy vessels and military aircraft in this region, makes it HIGHLY unlikely that these two patrol boats (with a range of 800-600 NM) both had propulsion system failures, and were left to their own devices. Both have twin diesel engines that drive water jets. Even if one engine had mechanical issues the other one would provide power to safely navigate and head to safer waters. If this had happened, the operational boat would have taken the disabled vessel in tow. It was reported both vessels had navigation failures and radio failures. I say this is simply to far fetched to believe. But again if both vessels navigation systems failed. the crew had satellite radio phones and could have reported in. OR used good old fashioned dead reckoning. Not to mention the 12-20 US navy ships in the region, plus the sea-lift command ships in the same body of water. Where was the over-watch in the E2 aircraft and AWACs that are airborne in the region? If these boats were to refuel, where as the refuel vessel? Where was the estimated 12 helicopter assets on the support ships for the Harry S Truman? Where were the helicopters and aircraft from the Truman? Where were the boats operational command when the boats supposedly went dark with radio failures? The Persian gulf is not that big.
It seems awfully convenient these crews were detained, the president said nothing and the Secretary of State magically ensures the release. Just in time for the SOU speech and the president touts great Iran relations.
Lastly, ask yourself in this day in age how many young people don't have their smartphone with them all the time? So I imagine at least one sailor did and could have used google to navigate back to safe waters.

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