VoiceofReason wrote:No matter what you sign, I don't believe the VA,FBI, or ATF has the authority to come to your house and try to seize your guns without a court order signed by a judge.maintenanceguy wrote:Every agency, college, and town wants it's own police force so they can control how justice is administered.
The VA and FBI have an agreement that VA medical records will be submitted to the FBI quartely to be added to the NICS system. Apparently, signing for your wife to handle your paperwork can make you "unable to handle your own affairs" and therefore incompetent.
http://dailycaller.com/2015/04/21/va-se ... aken-away/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
As far as being put on the NICS database and not being able to purchase a firearm, I am sure there are law firms that would love to file a class action against the government maybe under the ADA.
this is true, it has to be decided before a magistrate, and the veteran must be served and in attendance either through attorney or themselves.
its a dicey bit and many will fall prey to pressure, I know its a pressure thing more than a real legal thing.
My shrink asked me once if i had firearms and if i did to them in...why??? and to WHO?? because she felt i didnt need them. FEELINGS are not binding.
like i said my primary va doc has re-iterated it cant happen to me just because i am 100% broken in the eyes of the va. I must be deemed incapable...and not just having my wife manage my bank account, lots of other factors involved, its more convoluted than you think.
I suspect an over zealous bary lover is the reason the scare exists
i buy firearms often and have yet been denied