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by powerboatr
Sun Aug 14, 2022 4:09 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: House GOP Pledges Investigation Of DoJ With November Win After FBI Raids Trump's Mar-A-Lago
Replies: 51
Views: 10486

Re: House GOP Pledges Investigation Of DoJ With November Win After FBI Raids Trump's Mar-A-Lago

srothstein wrote: Sun Aug 14, 2022 1:51 pm
powerboatr wrote: Sun Aug 14, 2022 1:15 pm
philip964 wrote: Sat Aug 13, 2022 11:25 pm I have heard from a friend that the top secret document thing is not going be the charge as the President does not have to abide by those laws. He will be charged under a World War 1 espionage law set up to arrest spies.

The news was so infuriating, they were breathlessly asking the question- “Has the nation been endangered by the actions of this Former President”. As if Russian and Chinese spy’s have had complete access to Mar a Lago and to Melania’s underwater drawers.
i think thats thin using espionage act. becasue the discovery portion by trumps legal team would most certainly drag comey, clinton, fbi personnel that were found to be harboring classified documents and that comey even leaked them to the press. use their NON CASES as precedent. which should force garland to charge or arrest those people if he plans on trumps charge sticking
the true RAID was mot\re about jan 6th evidence. the warrant was pretty broad .
if archives or intel folks on the premises had issue with some classified documents, they appeared to have already fixed that by him declassifying them and the double locked storage. not to mention the months long file review etc that has been going on to ensure everything was in its place .
The problem with the Espionage Act as it pertains to Trump is that it requires the possession to be unauthorized or with the intent to harm the US or benefit a foreign country. Since Trump was the man in legal control of who was authorized, including authorizing himself, he could not possibly be in unauthorized possession. After the blowup of Hillary's aiding Russia case, there is no way anyone could prove Trump was doing something to harm the US or benefit a foreign country. The interesting loophole on all this is that if he was doing it to benefit himself by using it in his business, it is not a crime.

As I pointed out above, he also had no classified documents because he had declassified them. And he was the final arbiter of what was classified until Biden was sworn in.

As for the claim of violation of the Presidential Records Act, that is a possibility. But that is not a crime. There is nothing in the law that I can find that defines any penalty for the president violating it. It is in Title 44, while federal crimes are generally in Title 18 (with military crimes in Title 10).

This means there was no real legal justification for the search warrant. So, I think it was done more for political reasons and I doubt those reasons had to do with January 6th. Both this whole warrant show and the on-going January 6th circus are more, IMO, to do with discrediting Trump in case he runs again. They are deathly afraid of him getting in office again and wanted to scare him off and convince voters he is a criminal to stop them for voting for him. Ironically, I think their ploy backfired on them and convinced him to run again when he was going to not run and instead play kingmaker and support Desantis.

As I type that, a Machiavellian thought came to mind. Maybe that is what they wanted after all. They know they could not beat Desantis but they think they can beat him by convincing independents he is crooked. That is a weird thought, but possible. Either way, I believe it had more to do with the next presidential election (with a little benefit to the mid-terms thrown in) than any real crime.

And this politicization of the DOJ makes me agree that we need to remove almost all federal law enforcement and turn that power back over to the states.
i think sir you are hitting the nail on the head..
by powerboatr
Sun Aug 14, 2022 1:15 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: House GOP Pledges Investigation Of DoJ With November Win After FBI Raids Trump's Mar-A-Lago
Replies: 51
Views: 10486

Re: House GOP Pledges Investigation Of DoJ With November Win After FBI Raids Trump's Mar-A-Lago

philip964 wrote: Sat Aug 13, 2022 11:25 pm I have heard from a friend that the top secret document thing is not going be the charge as the President does not have to abide by those laws. He will be charged under a World War 1 espionage law set up to arrest spies.

The news was so infuriating, they were breathlessly asking the question- “Has the nation been endangered by the actions of this Former President”. As if Russian and Chinese spy’s have had complete access to Mar a Lago and to Melania’s underwater drawers.
i think thats thin using espionage act. becasue the discovery portion by trumps legal team would most certainly drag comey, clinton, fbi personnel that were found to be harboring classified documents and that comey even leaked them to the press. use their NON CASES as precedent. which should force garland to charge or arrest those people if he plans on trumps charge sticking
the true RAID was mot\re about jan 6th evidence. the warrant was pretty broad .
if archives or intel folks on the premises had issue with some classified documents, they appeared to have already fixed that by him declassifying them and the double locked storage. not to mention the months long file review etc that has been going on to ensure everything was in its place .
by powerboatr
Sat Aug 13, 2022 2:31 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: House GOP Pledges Investigation Of DoJ With November Win After FBI Raids Trump's Mar-A-Lago
Replies: 51
Views: 10486

Re: House GOP Pledges Investigation Of DoJ With November Win After FBI Raids Trump's Mar-A-Lago

srothstein wrote: Fri Aug 12, 2022 10:48 pm
powerboatr wrote: Fri Aug 12, 2022 1:27 pmtrump stated he declassified these documents they found while still president
I just saw an article that said Trump had a standing order. Since he had to take work to his residence sometimes to prepare for the next day, and it would be illegal to take classified documents out of the oval office area, the standing order said that any documents he took to his residence were deemed to be declassified. He would then reclassify them the next day when he came back into the office.

If that is documented, even as a verbal order to a subordinate, it kind of blows the case out of the water. No one gets to overrule the president on what is classified or not.
and some of the documents they say were cant print from a scif room.
somebody other than trump had to acquire a paper copy for him to read. NSA? if he did not go into the scif room to read them. that person/s should be on the carpet if somehow they allowed documents to be printed and removed and or failed to maintain custody of documents or return them after they were used or read. thats the security advisor or chief responsibly

i can from real world..when i was onboard ship i had to read the OMG super secret etc the world is going to end messages everyday, these were in the secure room (scif), no pens, paper, notes, etc were allowed and you had to be logged in and out as well as which messages you read or just checked off.
then you would go back to your normal shop computer and download the heavily edited versions of what you just read so you could plan the upcoming flight ops and maintenance . at no time EVER did those messages you read in the secure room ..make it out of there in any form other than what your brain remembered, this included the CO. but during planning the intel nuts had them to disseminate , then they took them all back. accounting of messages is serious i assume its still that way in whitehouse, especially when trump was there because the intell folks always told on him for dumb stuff that was really their fault

and if such documents are used by other presidents....they to shall be held to same rules?
by powerboatr
Fri Aug 12, 2022 1:27 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: House GOP Pledges Investigation Of DoJ With November Win After FBI Raids Trump's Mar-A-Lago
Replies: 51
Views: 10486

Re: House GOP Pledges Investigation Of DoJ With November Win After FBI Raids Trump's Mar-A-Lago

the search warrant lists dates of documents stating the dates of document they were looking for
jam 20 2017 thru jan 20 2021
trump stated he declassified these documents they found while still president, so why are they over concerned about those dates as he was still president ? i know to well the classifications levels some the warrant said they found ..are very odd. but it does not matter if he declassed them while in office and we dont know what was actually on the documents in question
some get extremely high classifications that really should not even be classified
would really like to know what the topic was on these documents to shed light
by powerboatr
Fri Aug 12, 2022 10:09 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: House GOP Pledges Investigation Of DoJ With November Win After FBI Raids Trump's Mar-A-Lago
Replies: 51
Views: 10486

Re: House GOP Pledges Investigation Of DoJ With November Win After FBI Raids Trump's Mar-A-Lago

parabelum wrote: Fri Aug 12, 2022 9:06 am
powerboatr wrote: Fri Aug 12, 2022 8:50 am CNN and newsmax reported this morning is a 30 second report stated that secret service at mar a lago were notified the day before that the fbi was coming to raid and facilitated entry

what does this say about the secret service? If they knew the day before, why didnt they insist if the raid was happening, that it be done in daylight ?
or why did they allow fbi to take things that are unrelated to presidency as "reported "they took rings of melanias that were her grandmothers??
how does trump now feel about his protection detail if they basically rolled over and allowed "assault" of his property?
what happens when the fbi leaks private items that are unrelated to archives???????

should trump demand secret service be removed and have no access to his property except to live outside its property boundaries. and then hire private security? or can that be done.
we know clintons charge secret service a ton of money to be on the property in ny and even pay for a house they rent on site?

seems very strange the protectors turned a blind eye to the protectee imo
Might have been obstruction if the SS intervened. Not sure if they legally could prevent the raid (or inform).
very shady imo, don't care who is being searched. why didnt they insist they come that day, vice early morning which was for tv . lights flashing etc
now they say an "informant" inside??
secret service has in past denied actions in part on many presidents. they should have under some presidential protection rule , stopped the raid until all agents were properly vetted. who is to say the agents were trustworthy based on past behavior of the agency .

just so tired of one side gets pass and one side gets attacked. look at the irs during the obama years.
anyway its the weekend and 3pm we shall see the warrant etc??
by powerboatr
Fri Aug 12, 2022 8:50 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: House GOP Pledges Investigation Of DoJ With November Win After FBI Raids Trump's Mar-A-Lago
Replies: 51
Views: 10486

Re: House GOP Pledges Investigation Of DoJ With November Win After FBI Raids Trump's Mar-A-Lago

CNN and newsmax reported this morning is a 30 second report stated that secret service at mar a lago were notified the day before that the fbi was coming to raid and facilitated entry

what does this say about the secret service? If they knew the day before, why didnt they insist if the raid was happening, that it be done in daylight ?
or why did they allow fbi to take things that are unrelated to presidency as "reported "they took rings of melanias that were her grandmothers??
how does trump now feel about his protection detail if they basically rolled over and allowed "assault" of his property?
what happens when the fbi leaks private items that are unrelated to archives???????

should trump demand secret service be removed and have no access to his property except to live outside its property boundaries. and then hire private security? or can that be done.
we know clintons charge secret service a ton of money to be on the property in ny and even pay for a house they rent on site?

seems very strange the protectors turned a blind eye to the protectee imo
by powerboatr
Thu Aug 11, 2022 11:36 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: House GOP Pledges Investigation Of DoJ With November Win After FBI Raids Trump's Mar-A-Lago
Replies: 51
Views: 10486

Re: House GOP Pledges Investigation Of DoJ With November Win After FBI Raids Trump's Mar-A-Lago

srothstein wrote: Wed Aug 10, 2022 9:54 pm
powerboatr wrote: Wed Aug 10, 2022 12:18 pm i watched a video interview a while back about the primary elections. he said the primaries are designed to make people feel like their vote is actually counted, and that the delegates choose the person running based on "their" vote, not the actual primary votes cast by the people. it gave me the chills at how candid he was. he had been a party delegate for a long time IIRC 20 plus years
I thought everyone was aware of this and I truly see nothing wrong with it. Primaries are not public voting, but are the method the party uses to select its candidate. They are run according to party rules. Both major parties have the convention rules set up with "super-delegates" whose votes count more at the time of nomination than the regular delegates representing the voting districts. The super-delegates are all party ruling class and control the nomination.

The reason I see nothing wrong with this is that it is all stated in the party rules and published in advance. If you don't like the way they rig the primary, don't join the party.
he then eluded to the same practice on the federal level after the general election. he stated the electoral college delegates don't have to vote for who won the most votes in that state, that they can vote amongst themselves to pick the winner for the state. we saw this 1st hand at 2020 election.
with the confusion and constant vote changes and sec of state issues clouding the process.
This is not 100% accurate. Under the Constitution, there is nothing that forces the electors to vote the way the state did. But each state has their own laws on this. Some states do make it a crime to not vote the way the people did, others do not. Most states (well, 48 of them) have laws saying whoever won the popular vote gets all of the state's electoral votes. The remaining states (Maine and Nebraska) actually split their electoral votes with each congressional district being legally bound to how the popular vote went in that district and the two electors for the whole state going to whoever won the state wide popular vote.
agreed i was being short typed , you are correct i was trying to to be brief as it were, yep states have laws on who what and how. some even change the rules after the fact or allow SOS to make things up as they go. as in 2020. especially GA with all the daming video on the official ga senate record.

its very very disheartening with all the things that happened and it seems like its "tough crap" move on, we will do what we want...
by powerboatr
Wed Aug 10, 2022 12:18 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: House GOP Pledges Investigation Of DoJ With November Win After FBI Raids Trump's Mar-A-Lago
Replies: 51
Views: 10486

Re: House GOP Pledges Investigation Of DoJ With November Win After FBI Raids Trump's Mar-A-Lago

i watched a video interview a while back about the primary elections. he said the primaries are designed to make people feel like their vote is actually counted, and that the delegates choose the person running based on "their" vote, not the actual primary votes cast by the people. it gave me the chills at how candid he was. he had been a party delegate for a long time IIRC 20 plus years

he then eluded to the same practice on the federal level after the general election. he stated the electoral college delegates don't have to vote for who won the most votes in that state, that they can vote amongst themselves to pick the winner for the state. we saw this 1st hand at 2020 election.
with the confusion and constant vote changes and sec of state issues clouding the process.

i just think it past time that the republicans start playing my dem rules and be a royal pita every time congress convenes, just like the nut in houston (al green) that stood up everyday and demanded trump be impeached. they should do it on pelosis, garland, wray etc
by powerboatr
Wed Aug 10, 2022 9:11 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: House GOP Pledges Investigation Of DoJ With November Win After FBI Raids Trump's Mar-A-Lago
Replies: 51
Views: 10486

Re: House GOP Pledges Investigation Of DoJ With November Win After FBI Raids Trump's Mar-A-Lago

and we watched the video evidence at the ga senate that clearly showed a closed counting office, opened back up and they took out suitcases from under a table and began processing "votes" while no auditors present

they are knee deep in voter fraud for nov. pelosi is banging here drum about mail in votes and no need for proof of person.
i cant believe the house is still allowing phone in votes or proxy votes claiming covid fears .....meuhhhh
by powerboatr
Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:47 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: House GOP Pledges Investigation Of DoJ With November Win After FBI Raids Trump's Mar-A-Lago
Replies: 51
Views: 10486

Re: House GOP Pledges Investigation Of DoJ With November Win After FBI Raids Trump's Mar-A-Lago

well know ALL to well they wont do diddly. its all smoke and mirrors
GOP is gutless,
dems seems to just do what ever they want, makeup whatever they want and nothing changes.
my reps just got an earfull
cruz could be causing garland to flip like a fish in hot oil right now..but yet he Tweets.
by powerboatr
Tue Aug 09, 2022 9:27 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: House GOP Pledges Investigation Of DoJ With November Win After FBI Raids Trump's Mar-A-Lago
Replies: 51
Views: 10486

Re: House GOP Pledges Investigation Of DoJ With November Win After FBI Raids Trump's Mar-A-Lago

Paladin wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 8:26 am "Enough!" - House GOP Pledges Investigation Of DoJ With November Win After FBI Raids Trump's Mar-A-Lago

I feel like these guys have been living on another planet... like this raid happens and they say ... we'll investigate in November... NO!!! it's already gone TOO far.

As if "Tear up Texas" and the Clinton email server, Hunter Biden's laptop, FBI whistleblowers, and 50,000+ Mules during the 2020 election wasn't already more than enough???
its very disconcerting that the DOJ goes after trump for some documents, but left hillary swinging free for same thing and hidden servers to skirt mandates
its beyond one sided in the DOJ, and they wonder why Americans do not trust DOJ,

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