Great book. I always like fiction that is hung on the framework of actual history. I think a movie made from this book, could be a heck of a money maker and would become an almost instant cult classic, but it woudl have to be done right. By that, I mean the book would have to be divided into three different movies (sequeals), in oder to truly tell the story. 98% of the folks who saw the first one would go on to see the other two IMHO. Even some of the antis would end going to see it out of curosity. You wouldn't need to say much about the movie to get people interested, just use the book cover as the movie poster. The movies would have to me made so that they could be released about three months apart, with the previous movie running again a week before the newer one coming out. I think a movie about this book could spark a resurgence in gun ownership among non-gunnies and teach a little history in the bargin. heck, I bet they could even find many extras and some good pro-gun actors that would be willing to take on the job for minimal pay (or pro bono) if they believed in the project. The likes of Emory, Selleck and Nugent to name a few. I bet I could get a dozen folks at an IDPA match to be extras for free - on their own expense. I bet Ross would be willing to take a percent instead of money up front and act for free as would the fellow who owns Second Chance body armor. The more I think about it, the more I like it. Wish I had about 30 million laying around to get it going.
my 2 cents - TEX
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- Thu May 20, 2010 8:23 pm
- Forum: Books & Videos
- Topic: Review: Unintended Consequences
- Replies: 29
- Views: 17949
- Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:27 pm
- Forum: Books & Videos
- Topic: Review: Unintended Consequences
- Replies: 29
- Views: 17949
Re: Review: Unintended Consequences
Great Book. There was talk at one time about making a movie based on the book, but I don't see howthat coul dbe done unless it was trilogy type arrangement. Otherwise you would lose too much of the story, and even then it might be tough. After reading the book for a while, I ended up having to make notes in the back of the book as to how each character was related and thier time period. I have read the book now three times (got it shorty after it was published) and I get a little bit more out of it each time. I belive it should be required reading at the highschool or college level.