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by surprise_i'm_armed
Tue Jan 28, 2020 7:39 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Three years ago today...
Replies: 15
Views: 7043

Re: Three years ago today...


You and I have talked on multiple occasions about your flight from Cali, but on this thread you have recounted your journey in full detail.
Kind of surprising from such a quiet guy, who primarily is a good listener at all our 3 DFW breakfasts, but a chatterbox in the car! :-)

My own arrival in Texas happened on Texas Independence Day, March 2, 1995. Wow - 25 years under the belt!

Although I treasure my Texas life, I have always cherished my freedom as an American. Having lived in Massachusetts, Colorado, Florida, and Georgia, I have always felt a sense of well being as long as I am somewhere in the USA. This sense of well being has never relied on the address of my residence or the state on my DL or license plates, but on my personal cherishing and appreciation of the American experience.

We all have the right to the pursuit of happiness, wherever we are planted. God bless the USA.


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